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Asia Oceania Floorball Confederation (AOFC) General Assembly Meeting Agenda 2024

General Assembly

Meeting Agenda


Date:               23 November, 14.00 (Thai Time)

Place:              Hybrid

                        In person: The Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel, and on Zoom.


§  1       Roll call/ Attendees: 

In person: China, Hong Kong (China), India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Macau (China), Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand

Online: Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand

Apologies: Korea

Not present: Japan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Mongolia, Solomon Island

   Total 12 Ordinary members (IFF) and 8 Provisional members. 10 Voting members present.


§  2       Opening remarks

Delivered by Dato Seri Chaiyapak Siriwat, President of the AOFC


§  3       Catching up! Sharing session from all member countries about their current state of

            Floorball/Leagues in their countries.

Updates shared by each attending country.



·       Hosted U19 in conjunction with Solomon Islands, with financial support from Australian High Commission.

·       One region is recovering better than the other, continued development and support.


·       Organized three basic level referee seminar and training 150 referees and two basic level coach training sessions and over 80 participants got the certificates most of them are coming from schools.

·       Hosted the China University Floorball Development Seminar to discuss the current state of Floorball development in China.

·       Hosted three National Youth Championships which attracted 64 teams and 1,000 athletes, and the second China University Floorball Championship with live broadcasts of over 1.5 million viewers.

·       Organized two large-scale national youth championships will take place next month in Hangzhou and Chengdu and a National University tournament in Inner Mongolia in Dec

·       Working on establishing our national team training base in Jiangxi province

·       In 2024 we have an official national textbook for schools was published. This is authorized by the Ministry of Education and becoming a part of our physical education course content in primary and secondary schools nationwide.

·       Continued support with the Chengdu government to prepare for the global event at 2025 World Games, with plan for upcoming national elections and tournaments

            Hong Kong (China)

·       Change in leadership in the Federation, introducing President Mr. Chris Law

·       Focusing on youth, successfully reached 50 schools in Hong Kong, and over 20 of them have already started their own school teams. Hosting competition for the schools by our federation, with international cooperation visits to Sweden and Finland.

·       Have more than 10 active clubs right now in Hong Kong and aiming to establish annual tournament

·       Participated in some regional competitions and aim to join more





·       Organized school games, school games university games national championships under 19 under 17 National Open Championship

·       We have added almost 23 states out of 26 states that we had in India Under our earlier there were 8 states, now coming to 23 states working together

·       The Federation Cup, which is the tournament of the top eight teams was held last year, with next one aiming to be held in February

·       Aiming to participate in international events. Unfortunately, could not join the 3x3 due to technical issues.


·       Currently active in 19 of 31 provinces of the country, with 10 Special Olympics teams.

·       First country in Asia to have the three versus three national tournaments so we were active after the announcement of the three verses WFC of IFF

·       Have agreement with the Ministry of Education for development in schools

·       NOC and Iran NOC and the Ministry of Sport and Youth really supported Iran in organizing the training camps for the national team they provided all the costs, and we had our turn in Iran National Olympic Academy.

·       Now officially obtained the license for opening clubs that anyone if they want to have a floorball club in the country, officially received this license from the Ministry of Sport and Youth and start their floorball practices for the clubs


·       Joined by representative however had technical issues


·       Floorball is in Kazakhstan for almost five years and two years in IFF. So now we have 10 clubs. every year we do two tournaments, one international and one local. So now we have about 100 players and it's growing

·       In our plan for next year, it's to do three leagues. It's U12, U18 and adults and women

·       Plans to help develop IFF and floorball in close, our regions, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and some Middle Asia countries aiming for combined training and workshops


·       Offering the Floorball class and systematic training to them to let the young join the Floorball team in public schools with almost 200 kids playing. Challenges faced of lack of venues/ facilities

·       Actively engaged with other cities in the Greater Bay Area. We participate in the football competition and exchange program held in Hong Kong and mainland China, such as Guangdong and Shenzhen city.


·       Unfortunately, could not host the 2024 Women’s AOFC cup due to schedule clashes and lack of participating teams.

·       As for development, still working up with some schools to grow full of the grassroots level, including working with Singapore to have more youth development cooperation

·       In terms of national team, we are working well with the Olympic Committee to prepare for the SEA Games in Thailand. Malaysia floorball require a ranking competition to show our Olympic Committee for our ranking in Southeast Asia. Therefore, planning to host an invitational tournament in April or May 2025 next year in four teams for men and women. If any other countries are interested, please let us know.

New Zealand

·       Continued development but Wellington remains the center of all here. Aiming to encourage new clubs and schools to participate through a kind of regional development program that we're setting up that aims to get resources to them so they can get going

·       Supportive of 3v3 format, next steps that we’re looking for in the national teams area would be the coaching and referee development

·       NZ have a number of domestic tournaments our secondary schools tournament and club run tournaments continue to do really well. Floorball New Zealand has now taken on the running of the regional league in Wellington which is something that we would hope to replicate over the country


·       Locally, have continued started our league with quarterly tournaments for age groups from U11, U13, U15 and Men’s and Women’s as well as for refereeing and coaching (trying to establish our local or national development system or licensing)

·       Sent referees to join the IFF referee seminar in Singapore

·       The 3v3 format is really good especially for the young kids age groups. I think especially for us in our condition, in terms of the facilities, the court, we have limited or few full-size floorball courts in the Philippines

·       Continued to work with our sport commission and our Olympic Committee and received  good support, especially with the successful hosting from last May.

·       Have a national training center at local school, with flooring used in the 2019 Seagames

·       Work on the local development, sending youth teams to regional competitions  


·       New changes in organizational structure with new presidency. Needed to restart everything in our country because of COVID and natural disasters.

·       we are putting our efforts into speaking to schools and most importantly converting hockey clubs, but with financial limitation

·       Next year, aim to have our first national competition

·       Looking for access to affordable IFF approved equipment which hopefully if successful can lower the access point to distributing equipment to developing nations around.


·       Singapore currently has about 10,000 active players and about 120 active clubs. Our development is in a good way

·       One particular development that has recently happened was that we were included in this thing called the Community Championships. That's organized by People's Association. Basically, it's like a regional center that plays about five sports and recently floorball has been included.

·       Recently conducted the IFF Referee Clinic in 2024 on 15-17 November, we had about 12 attendees and we received referees from Indonesia, Malaysia as well as the Philippine, thanks to IFF for the support. Future courses to be held in 2025, all invited.

·       Next year in March 18-22, 2025, we will be hosting the WFCQ Asia Oceania Qualification Championship. Our first information letter will be out really soon.


·       Slowly steady development within the country. Hosting regular national championships and joining regional championships.

·       Establishment of National Floorball Training Center in 2023/2024, and continued expansion. Located in Saraburi province.

·       Challenges of developing referees


            Regional updates:

·       Though AIMAG competition did not become fruitful in the end, the efforts made by the AOFC to officially include Floorball as a list of events at this multi-sport regional game should be considered a success. This means that the challenge of introducing a ‘new’ sport into the charter is already complete. However, the final inclusion of a sporting event remains at the discretion of the hosts. The president pushes for IFF and west-envoy countries to lobby for the inclusion with 2026 AIMAG hosts, Saudi Arabia.

·       For the region of Southeast Asia, Floorball has been included in the SEAGAMES charter and is highly positively likely to be included in subsequent events in Thailand in 2025, Malaysia in 2027 and Singapore in 2029. The aim is for other members to push to replicate this in respective regions throughout the continent.

·       For Asian Multisport regional competition such as AIMAG, need to continue lobbying with west Asia countries and Saudi Arabia (and additional comment provided by John about the initiation made by Finnish U19 manager but also challenge of working in Saudi Arabia if it is only foreign led).

·       The regional goal in terms of IFF competition is for more countries to participant at Qualification events which can in turn increase number of countries that going through.  


§  4       Elections of Central Board & Revision of Statutes

4.1       Voting for Executive Board (Central Board)

            Voting was executed online. See Annex 1.

            Admiral Atinart Payajakrit and Mr. Eddie Chan were appointed as Scrutineers.


Voted Positions

President                     Mr. Chaiyapak Siriwat (THA)

Senior Vice President   Mr. Ben Ow (SGP)

Vice President              Mr. Graivut Vattanatham (THA)

                                    Mr. Ralph Ramos (PHI)

                                    Dr. Yuan Yong (CHN)

                                    Mr. Hwangjoo Kim (KOR)

Secregrary General      Ms. Penthai Siriwat (THA)

Vice Sec.Gen               Ms. Anna Kibblewhite (NZL)

                                    Mr. Kenneth Ho (SGP)

West Envoy Chair         Mr. Davalo Ramazalani (IRN)

Treasurer                     Ms. Parawan Yoochoochai (THA)


Honorary VP                Mr. Stephen King (AUS)

                                    Mr. Ching Sy Jeng (subject to approval by IFF)

Advisor:                        Mr. Francis Tan (SGP)


Central Board Members (1 per country) see Annex 2


4.2       Voting to accept proposed amendments to AOFC statutes (require special majority of at least two thirds).


Result: Voting passed to proceed with amendment under special conditions. Under Australia’s proposal to revise the entirety of the statutes as they don’t fully reflect current situation, a Working Group  will be set up to conduct a full review of the statutes and bring them up to speed. All statutes will be in line with IFF. This will be subject to vote for approval in 2025. See Annex 3 Committees 


§  5       Schedule Updates 


-        2024: WFC in Malmo, Sweden in December, 2024 to be joined by Philippines, Thailand and Australia.



-        2025: Women’s WFC 2025 Qualifications (Women’s qualify for WFC 2024 in Czech Republic, March 18-22nd, 2025 in Singapore – confirmed

-        2025: 13th Men's U19 WFC, 29th April - 4th May Zurich, Switzerland (Australia and Singapore qualified in Honiara, Solomon Islands)

-        2025: The World Games, 7th to 17th August 2025 – For Men’s, China (hosts) and highest ranked men’s team at WFC 2024 (Philippines), and for Women’s, will use the WFCQ event in Singapore to determine representative.

-        2025: 15th Women’s World Championships in Brno & Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2025 (6th - 14th December)

-        2025: Seagames in Bangkok, (9th - 20th December) - relevant to Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. For Men’s and Women’s.


2026: Expression of Interest available:

-        Women's U19 WFC 2026 Qualifications in 2025 – still available

-        Men's WFC 2026 Qualifications AOFC – Interest expressed by New Zealand after the meeting


AOFC Competition schedule

-        AOFC Cup (Men’s 2025, Women’s 2026)

-        Silk Road Club Competition


ACTION POINT FOR MEMBERS:  Add to the AOFC competition schedule so we can be better informed and coordinate with IFF on key events 


§  6       Development

6.1  Referee Development update

·       Workshop held at SG and will hold another one in 2025

6.2  Youth Development update

·       Activities also supported by Youth Development Committee, for example Greater Bay Tournament, Ordos City tournament, etc, and piloted the use of Eagle Eye system as well as floorball diploma course at university. 

6.3  Coaching courses update

·       Queries about alignment of national courses to IFF criteria or standard. Currently in discussion with IFF for Singapore. Singapore has the possibility of running in the future coaching courses both for Singapore and the rest of the AFC region


§  7       AOFC Members affiliation/Membership fees

The bank account of AOFC has been set up at:

Name of Account: Mr Chaiyapak Siriwat

Bank Name: TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited.

Bank Address: 333 Soi Thonglor 17 Sukhumvit road, Klong Ton Neau, Wattana, Bangkok

Bank Account No: 916-2-09866-0



As of 31st of October 2025, the Bank balance of AOFC is at (8,849.56 USD) 300,000 THB, from starter contributions of Thailand Hockey Association.


As discussed in meeting minutes recorded in AGM 2018, Members agreed to fee structure of the following:

1)     Ordinary Members: $1000 (USD)

2)     Provisional Members: $500 (USD)


The reasoning was provided by Thailand about destination account:

•       The AOFC (Asia-Oceania Floorball Confederation) account is under the name of Chaiyapak Siriwat instead of a formal entity due to legal and regulatory constraints in Thailand. According to Thai law, only registered legal entities are permitted to open and operate bank accounts. Since AOFC is not registered as a formal entity in Thailand, it does not meet the requirements to establish a corporate or organizational bank account.

•       To ensure the operational needs of AOFC are met, the account is held under the name of Chaiyapak Siriwat, who serves as a trusted representative.

•       Importantly, this solution is temporary and designed to ensure compliance with local laws until such a time when AOFC achieves formal registration, either in Thailand or another jurisdiction that allows for organizational banking privileges.


Decision on Payment plan to be implemented in 2024, given 3 months from date of meeting which is 28 Feb 2024. Invoices to follow, along with a financial plan once identify key needs from each country importantly for developmental work and to provide support for competitions. Financial report will also be produced yearly for the AOFC members.


§  8       Any other Business

8.1  IFF Updates

·       Encourage AOFC to join IFF events to increase the qualified teams number / and the change of format for the games can also have higher number of teams participating – increases qualifying quota

·       Important to stress about how AOFC can secure the participation and the competitions which will come down to the importance of having time and money and resources to develop the national federations- urge AOFC members which have not yet done so, participate in the Fit for Future program to see upon the operational development of these structures.

·       The new 3 v 3 format and 3v3 World Floorball Championship which will now be played in Switzerland in May 2025 and then in Italy in 2026 should increase possibility for all the AOFC members to participate in a World Floorball Championship as now the rules are that only one team per country can participate, invitations have been shared

·       For 2025 IFF will apply for the Erasmus Coach Organisation Education Project with the European Union. IFF are looking for a solution to include Asian and Oceania countries. It is a three-year educational process where the idea is to create a coaching education structure for each of the participating member federations and how to build the coaching dynamics and the coaching identity of the country based on the country's own resources and requirements.

·       Importantly For AOFC events: It is important to stress that AOFC is a part of IFF and when AOFC tournaments are organized, it must follow the regulations. Member countries please be proactive, be informative, please inform the IFF so that they can use this in promotion of the events - working together to benefit both IFF and AOFC members.

·       Supporting of China Federation for the World Games in 2025 is very important.

·       For teams to cooperate and send the statistics of 2024 to Ms. Blanka


8.2  AOFC Committee Changes – Committees are expected to share their contacts and meet at least bi-annually and provide the updates to the AOFC. Feel free to add your representatives to the committees where appropriate.


ACTION POINT FOR MEMBERS:  For representative to add contact information. Members can freely add their representatives as appropriate. 




Annex 1:


Executive Committee

President                     Mr. Chaiyapak Siriwat (THA)

Senior Vice President   Mr. Ben Ow (SGP)

Vice President              Mr. Graivut Vattanatham (THA)

                                    Mr. Ralph Ramos (PHI)

                                    Dr. Yuan Yong (CHN)

                                    Mr. Hwangjoo Kim (KOR)

Secregrary General      Ms. Penthai Siriwat (THA)

Vice Sec.Gen               Ms. Anna Kibblewhite (NZL)

                                    Mr. Kenneth Ho (SGP)

West Envoy Chair         Mr. Davalo Ramezanali (IRN)

Treasurer                     Ms. Parawan Yoochoochai (THA)


Honorary VP    (subject to approval by IFF)       

                                    Mr. Stephen King (AUS)

                                    Mr. Ching Sy Jeng

Honorary Advisor:         Mr. Francis Tan (SGP)



Annex 2:

Central Board Members (1 per country)






Mr. Harinder Kumar



Prof. Anton Komaini



Mr. Ryan Quek



Mr. Mohammadamin Davalou


South Korea

Mr. Gum Sung Kang



Ms. Pakkamol Siriwat



Mr. Ralph Ramos


New Zealand

Ms. Anna Kibblewhite



Mr. Yuan Yong



Mr. Taquiddin  Izzat



Mr. Stephen King



Mr. Asim G. Kiyani


Macau, China

Mr. Lai Ning Willy


Hong Kong, China

Mr. Law Pui Ki


Solomon Islands

Mr. Adam Olofsson



Mr. Maxim Golubev



Mr. Ch. Baasandavaa



Annex 3:  

List of Committees


Referee Development Committee

  1. Mr Sharil Ismail (SIN)

  2. Mr.Oswind Rosayro (SIN)

  3. Mr. Young June Lee (KOR)

  4. Mr. Massada Dem Cabillas (PHI)

  5. Mr. Jaey Jetpuria (MAS)

  6. Mr. Peter Harris (AUS)

  7. Mr. Rameli (INA)

  8. Mr. Yongky Dwi Adi (INA)


Competition Committee

  1. Mr. Julfikar Setiadi (INA)

  2. Ms. Nuridin Widya Pranoto (INA)

  3. Mr. Arif Azfar (SGP)

  4. Mr. Gum Sung Kang (KOR)

  5. Adm. Atinart Payajakrit (THA)

  6. Ms. Ratee Thesthong (THA)

  7. Mr. Ralph Ramos (PHI)

  8. Ms. Anna Kibblewhite (NZL)

  9. Mr. Kyle Lister (AUS)

  10. Mr. Mohammadamin Davalou (IRN)


Asian Sports Game Committee

  1. Mr. Pradeep Singh (IND)

  2. Mr.Glendon Phua (SGP)

  3. Mr. Hwang Joo Kim (KOR)

  4. Vice Adm. Wilers Smabut (THA)

  5. Ms. Wilawan Tangsritakul (THA)

  6. Mr. Kyle Lister (AUS)


Youth Development Committee

  1. Mr. Watcharapon Onsuk (THA)

  2. Mr. Jay-r Beterbo (PHI)

  3. Mr. Hendrick Bong (Solomon Islands)

  4. Miss Vanessa Austin (AUS)

  5. Miss. Kathleen Long

  6. Mr. Ching Sy Jeng

  7. Mr. Paron Siriwat (THA)


New Members Committee

1.     Mr. Alimuddin (INA)

2.     Mr. Stephen King (AUS)

3.     Miss Bootsarin Vimolset (THA) 


Athletes Commission

  1. Ms. Sangeeta Rathi (IND)

  2. Mr. Ardo Okilanda (INA)

  3. Mr. Surapong Sangmongkhol (THA)

  4. Mr. Angus Stallmann (NZL)

  5. Miss Shannon Barnes (AUS)

  6. Mr. Veerasak Pimpa (THA)


New working group

Revision of Statutes

1.     Ben Ow (SGP)

2.     Penthai (THA)

3.     Ralph (PHI)

4.     Stephen King (AUS)

5.     John Liljelund (IFF)



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