The 2018/2019 season of the “2nd Oriental Cup Floorball Club League"

On June 2, the 2018/19 season of 2nd Oriental Cup Floorball Club League was completed. The "Oriental Cup" floorball League is endorse by the AOFC(Asian Oceania Floorball Confederation), organised by Sport100 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and co-organised by University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and Donghua University.
"Oriental Cup" Floorball League aims to improve the overall level of senior players, expand the development of floorball, and encourage the growth of social floorball clubs. This tournament has invited seven top domestic teams to participate in the tournament, and enhanced the improvement in the overall competitive level of the tournament through the participation of foreign players in various competing clubs. Since September 23, 2018, the tournament began with more than 150 registered players, lasted for nine months with a total of 15 rounds,49 intense matches.

最终,上海理工大学USST龙卷风俱乐部荣获本届联赛冠军,上海体育学院SUS Flying Eagle俱乐部获得了本届联赛赛赛亚军,上届冠军队伍羿麟软式曲棍球俱乐部获得本届联赛季军,东华大学DHU俱乐部获得本届联赛第四名。
Ultimately, Tornado Club of USST(University of Shanghai for Science and Technology) won the championship, Flying Eagle Club of SUS(Shanghai University Of Sport) won the second place , Yilin Floorball Club came in third and DHU(Donghua University) Club won the fourth place in the tournament.
2019/20赛季第三届 ”东方杯“软式曲棍球俱乐部联赛将在2019年9月开赛,期待各俱乐部下赛季中有精彩的表现!
The 2019/2020 season for the 3rd Oriental Cup Floorball Club League will start in September 2019. We look forward to marvellous performance of the clubs next season.

Source: CFF