2019年6月1日成功举办了2019“融·在一起”特奥软式曲棍球联赛。本次比赛由普陀区启星学校主办,上海青新青少年发展促进中心承办,上海市特奥会和国际软式曲棍球联合会担任指导,亚洲大洋洲软式曲棍球联合会青少年发展委员会(AOFC YDC)作为合作指导单位,共同开展。这次比赛是2018年12月份特奥软式曲棍球联赛的延续。
On June 1, 2019,2019 Shanghai Special Olympics Floorball League "Integration" was successfully held. The competition is sponsored by Qixing School of Putuo District, organized by Shanghai Youth Development Promotion Center, endorsed by Shanghai Special Olympics and International Floorball Federation, and jointly guided by AOFC YDC. This event is a continuation series of the Shanghai Special Olympics Floorball League “Integration”in December 2018.

The competition attracted 18 Special Olympics teams and 8 Integrated teams from 14 schools in Shanghai and surrounding areas of China, with 192 registered athletes with a combined spectators of more than 600.
Six group matches competed for the champion, second place and third place. From each group, the competition selected the best shooter, best defense and best assist player.

The competition attracted 18 Special Olympics teams and 8 Integrated teams from 14 schools in Shanghai and surrounding areas of China, with 192 registered athletes with a combined spectators of more than 600.
Six group matches competed for the champion, second place and third place. From each group, the competition selected the best shooter, best defense and best assist player.
Source: CFF